Dominic and Kathy lead a team of 30+ journalists, PR professionals, and marketing experts – many of whom are still with the agency since its founding in 2004.



Dominic Johnson

  • Headed marketing for leading media and tech companies: 
    News Corporation, Autonomy, ITV, and Channel Four

  • Launched many technology companies across multiple verticals

  • Led public transactions on NYSE, NASDAQ, NASDAQ Europe, LSE, and AIM

  • Trendscout and advisor to VCs, investment banks and hedge funds


Kathy Johnson

  • Technology pioneer: Firefly (acquired by MSFT),
    Netscape, Intel, HP, Netcentives

  • Co-founded Blinkx

  • Advisor to Japan’s Prime Minister Koizumi

  • TEDx Board member

  • Stevie Award for Women in Business Lifetime Achievement Award

  • Frequently featured in the media: BBC, CBS, CNN, NBC, BusinessWeek, Die Welt, NY Times, The Guardian