Dominic and Kathy lead a team of 30+ journalists, PR professionals, and marketing experts – many of whom are still with the agency since its founding in 2004.
Dominic Johnson
Headed marketing for leading media and tech companies:
News Corporation, Autonomy, ITV, and Channel FourLaunched many technology companies across multiple verticals
Led public transactions on NYSE, NASDAQ, NASDAQ Europe, LSE, and AIM
Trendscout and advisor to VCs, investment banks and hedge funds
Kathy Johnson
Technology pioneer: Firefly (acquired by MSFT),
Netscape, Intel, HP, NetcentivesCo-founded Blinkx
Advisor to Japan’s Prime Minister Koizumi
TEDx Board member
Stevie Award for Women in Business Lifetime Achievement Award
Frequently featured in the media: BBC, CBS, CNN, NBC, BusinessWeek, Die Welt, NY Times, The Guardian